One third of the human proteome is intrinsically disordered. Various estimates have suggested that there may be upwards of one hundred thousand interaction interfaces in these regions. However, to date, few functional elements within these regions have been characterised. The majority of known interfaces in disordered regions belong to a class of compact, degenerate and convergently evolvable interaction modules known as Short, Linear Motifs (SLiMs)

"Understanding the role of short linear motifs in cell regulation"

Our research focuses on the role of intrinsically disordered regions in directing cell regulation. Specifically, we attempt to utilise evolutionary, proteomic and genomic data to gain a better understanding of the function and regulation of SLiM-mediated interaction interfaces. We apply this information to discover novel motifs, and novel mechanisms regulating the conditional functionality of these motifs.

Motif discovery

What are the modules that are responsible for the functionality of disordered regions?

Peptide Annotation

What are these modules doing?

Conditional interactomics

How do perturbations in the cell modulate the functionality of these modules?